How to properly care for a wig to maintain its suppleness

How to properly care for a wig to maintain its suppleness
- Regularly comb the wig, whether it is being worn or not, using a steel-toothed comb specifically designed for wigs. Gently clear any curls with your hand before combing and avoid excessive combing of the bangs and top of the head.
- Nourish and enhance the wig's shine by using a non-oily maintenance solution specifically made for wigs. These solutions also provide protective effects against static electricity.
- Clean the wig correctly by avoiding excessive washing. Depending on how often you wear it, consider washing it once every 1-2 months if frequently used or once every 3 months if less frequently used.
- After washing, ensure proper drying by avoiding high temperatures or direct sunlight. Allow natural air ventilation in a clean and tidy location instead of using a hair dryer. Store the wig in such places to prevent dust accumulation or mold growth.
- Lastly, when purchasing a wig, opt for professional establishments that offer higher quality products as they are easier to care for. If you encounter any issues regarding maintenance, consult store sales staff.